People are interested in Reptilians, Reptoids, and Reptiloids, no matter what you call them. Last weekend, I posted a thoughtful essay looking at the use of hypnosis in eyewitness investigations, entitled "Are Bigfoot Witnesses Really Seeing Reptoids?" Almost 10,000 people read it in the first 8 hours. Amazing reaction.
So why are people so fascinated by the notion of Lizard People among us? Surely, folks can't consider there is any reality to this? Skepticism and critical thinking can't be dead, can it?
I see that Nicholas Pell recently thought about this business in his posting, "The Odd Reptilian Theory and The People That Believe It."
Pell records an intriguing exchange with a friend of his. He was explaining the Reptilian hypothesis to a friend of his...then he was asked:
“Who’s David Icke?”
“Some weird British writer who thinks that Al Gore is a shape-shifting, blood-sucking reptile.”
“How is he not?”
I was stumped there.I suppose we'd find the same thing happening to Pell if "Al Gore" was replaced with the name "Dick Cheney" or "Mitt Romney."
So what's going on here. After all, depending on your politics, some people think Obama is a reptoid too.
Political humor and reptoids appear to go hand in claw.
In the closely fought 2008 U.S. Senate election between comedian and commentator Al Franken and incumbent Senator Norm Coleman, one of the ballots challenged by Coleman included a vote for Franken with "Lizard People" written in the space provided for write-in candidates. Lucas Davenport who later claimed to have written the gag ballot, said, "I don't know if you've heard the conspiracy theory about the Lizard Men; a friend of mine, we didn't like the candidates, so we were at first going to write in revolution, because we thought that was good and to the point. And then, we thought the Lizard People would be even funnier."
That seems to be a key.
Reptilians equal humor. In a world in which you can daily read on the Drudge Report of bank runs in Greece or scandals of fallen Democrats, or on Huffington Post of melting icebergs or dogs being strapped to the top of cars, we all need a little comedic relief. The Reptilians give us that. After all, what if Queen Elizabeth is a Lizard Woman or the head of Facebook is a Lizard Man? Would you look at the world in a different way?
Of course, if the Reptilians are aliens, then why hasn't anyone thought about the obvious?
Perhaps Giorgio A. Tsoukalos is a Reptilian? :-)
Comedic art by Matt Low, thanks to my friends on Coast to Coast AM.
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