Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Supermoon Rising

Cartoon commentary: Adams, Telegraph.

About a month ago, I posted this: "Look to March 17th this year to be a date linked to much turmoil." 

It is only recently that I was reading what etemenanki has linked to regarding the  "supermoon" event tied to March 19th.

On March 19, 2011, the moon will be closer to Earth than at any time since 1992 - just 221,567 miles away - and its gravitational pull will bring chaos to Earth, some say.

Previous supermoons took place in 1955, 1974, 1992 and 2005 - all years that had extreme weather events. The tsunami that killed hundreds of thousands of people in Indonesia happened two weeks before the January 2005 supermoon. And on Christmas Day 1974, Cyclone Tracy laid waste to Darwin, Australia.

Coincidence? Banda Aceh, Indonesia, was devastated by the December 2004 tsunami which took place two weeks before a supermoon.

The Shinmoedake volcano in the Kirishima range in south-western Japan erupted on March 14, 2011.

Is there a relationship between the Japanese 9.0 earthquake of March 11, 2011, as well as the resulting tsunami/nuclear reactor explosions, and the supermoon of March 19, 2011?

How will history record these times?

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