Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ufologist Hobana Dies

Ion Hobana (January 25, 1931 - February 22, 2011), well-known ufologist and Romania's best-known science fiction writer, whose writings were internationally translated, has died. He was 80.

One of his more famous books on ufology is UFO's From Behind The Iron Curtain. He was the President of the Romanian Organization for UFO Studies.

Sorin Hobana said his father died late Tuesday, February 22, 2011, in a Bucharest hospital, according to the Associated Press.

Hobana's stories were published in international anthologies, including The Penguin World Omnibus of Science Fiction and Twenty Houses of the Zodiac.

November 2010 saw his last book, a history of French science fiction before 1900, published.

Ion Hobana. Photo credit: Ovni-Ufologie

Two volumes on UFOs, co-authored by Julian Weverbergh were published in the Netherlands. The books were translated into English, French and Spanish.

His books on ufology include:

OZN - o sfidare pentru raţiunea umană (Editura Enciclopedică Română, 1971), with Julien Weverbergh;
Ufo's in Oost en West (Deventer, 1972, 2 volumes);
Triumful visătorilor (Nemira, 1991), with Julien Weverbergh; and
Enigme pe cerul istoriei (Abeona, 1993).

Ion Hobana. Photo credit: Atlantykron.

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