Saturday, November 27, 2010

Masonic Sword!

Something very interesting has occurred regarding the story detailed earlier here as "Killed With A Masonic Sword." 

First, there were mainstream media stories that it was not a Masonic sword, but merely a samurai sword (as, for example, reported by Time).

Then this was posted by Wombaticus Rex, who wrote:

The source for the Masonic Ceremonial Sword detail, as of yesterday, was Perez Hilton. He was also the first source out with a quote about "the architect of the universe." (I know all this because I was sent a link on FB and the wording got me interested enough to do some trawling with search strings.) I found it odd and interesting that he'd be fucking with people so specifically -- perhaps he delights in fucking with conspiratards, or perhaps he's in on the joke with Lady G and Jay-Z? Either way: odd.
But all of this is merely some kind of incredible disinformation or misinformation campaign. Silly, silly Wombaticus!

Actually, The Daily Mail, The New York Daily News, and The New York Post published more details about the Masonic sword, with photos. 

To quote The Daily Mail:

Pictures of the blood-soaked sword used to kill Ugly Betty actor Michael Brea's mother were released [in The New York Post] as grisly details of her death emerged. The 31-year-old is accused of hacking his mother Yannick Brea to death at their home in New York using a 3ft ceremonial blade stolen from a Masonic lodge....[Michael Brea] is said to have carried out the attack in the early hours of the morning after returning from a Masonic lodge meeting on Monday night complaining of a headache.

Murder weapon: The sword - stolen from a Masonic lodge - that killed Mrs Brea and a blood-smeared door through which she tried to escape.

Trail of terror: A blood-spattered hallway and door in the apartment where every room showed evidence of the grisly attack on Tuesday morning

Tragic: The body of Yannick Brea is taken from the Brooklyn apartment.

UPDATE - Additional details have emerged from The New York Daily News:

An unhinged actor Thursday calmly described hacking his beloved mother to death with a sword because he believed a demon had taken hold of her soul.
"I didn't kill her. I killed the demon inside her," Michael Brea said in a chilling hourlong interview with the Daily News in the prison ward at Bellevue Hospital....
Speaking with white-hot intensity and unflinching confidence, Brea described a shadowy descent into a world filled with Masonic symbolism and black magic beginning late Sunday when he snapped awake....

The 31-year-old Brea said he told no one about the dream, but the following afternoon, he said he received another sign while at the Prince Hall Masonic Temple in Harlem, which he'd joined a week earlier.
There, he said, a man approached and tried to put a curse on him.
"[He] kept trying to put something in my hand but wouldn't show it to me. I kept opening my hand. It was a Freemason pin. I wouldn't touch it," Brea said.
Felt like Neo from 'The Matrix'
He began feeling ill and left, and while riding the train back to Brooklyn, he said, strangers began speaking to him about his mother.
"I felt like Neo from 'The Matrix.' I began hearing voices and feeling powerful," Brea said. "They were asking about the difference between mom and mother. It was a sign."
He went to his room and lit candles, placed a dagger and a 3-foot ceremonial Freemason sword by his side.
Investigators said he had stolen the sword from the Masonic lodge, but Brea insisted his father had given it to him when he was a child.
"It's a powerful sword," he said.
Brea also arranged three saint cards around him - including one of Saint Jude holding a sword.
"I'm named after a saint myself - Saint Michael. He was protecting the house from the police. They weren't allowed to enter the apartment."
When they finally broke the door down, cops found a trail of bloody footprints and handprints on the walls and floors, and Yannick Brea crumpled on her knees in the bathroom.
Her son stood amid the carnage with the sword in one hand and a Masonic Bible in the other.
"Grand Architect of the Universe means God," he said, referring to an expression neighbors said he shouted as he was being removed from the bloody scene. "I was praising God. To you it might sound silly, but in my culture demons are very real."

Deconstruction Footnote: The graphic imagery of this Masonic-involved murder may result in twilight language and copycat ripples. The photos above were shared to illustrate the level of reporting that is taking place regarding this incident on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.

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