Monday, February 27, 2006

Two Die In Midwest Church Shooting

On Sunday, February 26, 2006, shooting erupted at Detroit's Zion Hope Missionary Baptist Church -- located at Van Dyke and Warren avenues.

Rosita Williams, 37, was killed while attending services at the church, as she sat in the balcony with her mother, sister and four nieces. Her 10-year-old niece was wounded, according to police. The shooter was identified as Kevin Collins, 22, who was looking for Williams' daughter, Jamika, 19, the mother of his child, WDIV-TV reported.

About 5 1/2 hours after the church shooting, officers spotted Collins walking about a mile from the church and saw him run behind a home. "An officer then heard a loud boom," Second Deputy Chief James Tate reported. Collins died of what appeared to be a self-inflicted gunshot wound.

On Monday, February 27, 2006, Alarie Davis, 54, died of wounds he received trying to protect his wife from Collins' carjacking attempt near the Detroit church on Sunday. Williams' husband, James Cult, said the tragedy of the second innocent victim's death on the 26th could have been prevented. He said he told police where Collins lived and worked.

{Thanks SMiles.}
Flashback: On Saturday, March 12, 2005, Terry Ratzmann, 44, kills seven and then himself at church services in Brookfield, Wisconsin. On the following Friday, March 18, 2005, Jeff Weise, 16, kills nine and then himself in Red Lake, Minnesota, in the largest school shooting since Columbine.

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