Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Aurora: Synchromystic Wonderland

The unfolding Aurora red dawn event has evolved from a breaking news item, to a wall-to-wall massacre media madness melodrama, to America's favorite "false flag" conspiracy and entertainment news distraction.

What Aurora may truly turn out to be is a complex "occult" (as in the original meaning of the word, "hidden," not "paranormal") synchronicity story of which more and more is being revealed daily. Joker and other copycats will focus the Aurora incident in other directions as we see the breathtaking nature of the red dawn event fade from the attention of the media and Twitter nation. It is becoming integrated into our culture, nevertheless. The facts are that, on a synchromystic level, layers of the onion are being peeled back carefully as we move away from Friday, July 20th.

For example, today's news mentions that James Holmes, the alleged shooter, will not be seen on court room cameras broadcast into your front room any longer. But the visual imagery that appears to be an important part of this drama continues.

Accused movie theater gunman James Holmes is spitting at jail officers so frequently that he is being made to wear a face guard, sources told ABC News.

What does this quickly imprint in the public?

Bane from The Dark Knight Rises, of course.

But it goes deeper. What does James Holmes look like with this jailhouse mask?
The villain of Batman Begins (2005), Ra's al Ghul (Liam Neeson) - also at top.

Or the Man in the Iron Mask?
We have no idea what James Holmes, in his jailhouse face guard, looks like, so in this visual age, expect courtroom artists, if they are allowed, to give us new images for the future.

Meanwhile, questions remain. One was pointed out to me this morning in an email from Andrew Griffin, Editor at Red Dirt Report. According to a news items in the Toronto Sun: "MSNBC reports that public records show Holmes lived with two roommates at the apartment, which is reserved for students, faculty and staff from the medical campus."

But if you go to the original MSNBC account, oops, the mention of Holmes' alleged two roommates has disappeared.

What is going on here?

 Photographs: Ted S. Warren
Meanwhile, the entertainment news continues. We learn that actor Christian Bale (Batman, The Dark Knight trilogy) and his wife Sandra "Sibi" Blažić (staff, Red Corner) visited victims and a memorial to the victims of Friday's mass shooting, on Tuesday, July 24, 2012, in Aurora, Colorado. Nice placement of the Red Sox cap in the photograph, I'd say.

The week moves along. Be careful. A storm is coming.

For the quick links to recent postings about The Dark Knight Rises, the Aurora red dawn event, and the copycats, please see:

Aurora Copycats: Prepare Now
Anticipating Aurora and Beyond
Red Dawn
Blood Red Movie Massacres
Joker Copycats: 2008-2112
Dark Knight Shooting: 12 Dead, 58 Injured
Bane/Bain Bursts Bare (Part 3)
Bane/Bain Continues (Part 2)
Bane/Bain (Part 1)

11:00 AM EDT Update
It has been brought to my attention that after my blog was published early this morning, the Drudge Report posted the following. Of course, the link to the Liam Neeson character in Batman Begins makes more sense to me, but each to their own metaphor, I suppose.

HANNIBAL: Holmes Forced To Wear Face Guard...

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Aurora Copycats: Prepare Now

Aurora's red dawn event is a wakeup call. I expect more to occur between now and the coming weekend.

The Dark Knight Rises played last Friday on 4404 screens, including in 332 IMAX theaters. Most of the country felt rocked by the Colorado incident. But why? Was it because it can happen in your neighborhood? In my case, this notion hit home, literally.

Maine State Police Trooper Philip Alexander (above) seized several guns from Timothy Courtois of Biddeford following Courtois's arrest on a criminal speeding charge Sunday, July 22, 2012, on the Maine Turnpike. When arrested, the Maine man said he took a gun to the IMAX where I watched The Dark Knight Rises premiere the day before. What?
 Photo Credits: John Ewing / Portland Press Herald Staff Photographer

It is chilling when a national news story decides to exhibit its first media-discussed copycat so near the doorstep of the author of The Copycat Effect. But, with regard to the Aurora shooting story, that became my rapid reality in the last 24 hours.

As I mentioned earlier on this blog, I went to see The Dark Knight Rises (TDKR) with my 22-year-old son on the afternoon of Friday, July 20, 2012, at the only IMAX in southern Maine, the Cinemagic in Saco. Yesterday, the Maine State Police announced that the first Aurora copycat said he went armed to a showing of TDKR at "my" movie theater (for that's how we all feel about our local cinema).

The Maine State Police booking photograph of Timothy Courtois.

My local newspaper, the Portland Press Herald carried more details yesterday and today:
Timothy Courtois was driving a brand new Mustang [like those driven by the Maine State Police] when he was stopped by a state trooper going 112 mph south on the turnpike, police said. Inside the car, police found an assault rifle and several handguns. They also found newspaper clippings about the theater shooting in Colorado Friday in which 12 people were killed during an airing of the new Batman movie.
[Maine State Trooper Philip] Alexander said he was already thinking about the potential for the Colorado shootings to trigger other incidents, and he took note of the types of weapons and other similarities. He noticed, for example, that Courtois bought the new Mustang on Friday, not long after the Colorado shootings.
[Courtois] told investigators he was speeding to New Hampshire to shoot a former employer.
Police followed up the traffic stop by searching Courtois' apartment at 344 Elm St., [in Biddeford, Maine] where they found boxes of ammunition and a larger arsenal of guns, including a fully automatic FN .308-caliber machine gun with a scope and tripod. It is illegal to own a fully automatic weapon without a federal firearms license. All of the other guns were legal to own, as long as they were not concealed.
Courtois, 49, has not threatened people in the past or been violent, but has had a few psychotic episodes when he stops taking his medication, said his brother Cory Courtois.
"He has a diagnosed mental condition," said Cory Courtois, who said he believes his brother suffers from bipolar disorder and manic depression. "When he was on medication, he had a normal life."
Courtois is an ironic French name specifically translated as a "refined, courteous, polite, or accomplished person," but is understood as the contrary of what it means.

"Each time dawn appears, the mystery is there in its entirety."
 ~ Rene Daumal

The other stories I began to hear were disturbing. My 26-year-old son went to TDKR in the Boston area where he lives. He told me that his theater's audience was upset to have a huge man start to leave the movie near its end, stop in mid-aisle, and begin searching through his backpack. Nothing happened, but people are tense.

A Fortean correspondent related that he was tossing and turning to learn that his niece only recently worked with James Holmes at a lab.

Meanwhile, the copycat hints and events have begun, in earnest. By this, of course, I mean bizarrely, with small signs, that tell of the gathering clouds. For those who don't feel the wind, they don't know a storm is coming.

Clark Tabor
Michael William Borboa

After the Maine arrest, two other incidents (in California and Arizona) were reported by the national media:
In Southern California, a man at a Sunday afternoon showing of [The Dark Knight Rises] was arrested after witnesses said he made threats and alluded to the Aurora shooting when the movie didn't start.
Los Angeles County sheriff's deputies were called to a cinema complex in Norwalk after moviegoers said 52-year-old Clark Tabor shouted: "I should go off like in Colorado." They said he then asked: "Does anybody have a gun?"
A security guard saw Tabor with a backpack on his knees in the second row, but deputies who searched the bag, the theater and its surrounding area did not find any weapon.
Separately, moviegoers in Sierra Visa, Arizona, panicked when a man who appeared intoxicated was confronted during a showing of the movie. The Cochise County Sheriff's office said it caused "mass hysteria" and about 50 people fled the theater.
Off-duty Border Patrol agents tackled Michael William Borboa, 27, who had a backpack with him, according to The Arizona Daily Star. Authorities said it contained an empty alcohol container and a half-empty moonshine bottle.
Borboa was arrested on suspicion of disorderly conduct, and threatening and intimidating.
The Tabor incident happened about 5:15 p.m. Sunday, July 22, 2012, at AMC Norwalk 20 Theaters.

The sound of the name Tabor rang a bell.  A historical copycat. One week after Columbine, on April 28, 1999, one student, Jason Lang, 17, was killed, and another wounded at W. R. Myers High School in Taber, Alberta, Canada. This marked the first fatal high school shooting in Canada in 20 years.

Copycats follow patterns, as you have heard me say often on this blog and in my book. I predicted what might happen on July 20th, because of subtle, but obvious human behaviors. Joker copycats have existed in the wake of The Dark Knight and already exist in the aftermath of The Dark Knight Rises.

Surprisingly, a Joker copycat did strike at a theater in the past.

Michigan police officers were sent to a theater early Sunday, on July 27, 2008, to arrest Spencer Taylor, 20, (above) of Three Rivers, Michigan. At the theater the officers found employees restraining a man wearing a purple suit, a green wig and face paint in the style of Batman's nemesis Joker in the just opened The Dark Knight. He was caught trying to steal a large Batman movie poster. The next month, in court, Taylor was sentenced to one day in jail, 16 hours of community service and fined $685. Other charges were dropped.

Some anniversaries for July 27th include the defeat of Macbeth, King of Scotland, by the Earl of Northumbria on July 27, 1054. In 1890, Vincent van Gogh shot himself and died two days later. The Korean War ended in 1953 on this day. The horror of the Adam Walsh kidnapping and beheading occurred in 1981, at Hollywood, Florida.

Considering the London Summer Olympics are opening on Friday, July 27th, we might wish to pay close attention to this being the anniversary of the Centennial Olympic Park bombing. On July 27, 1996, during Atlanta's 1996 Summer Olympics, a pipe bomb exploded in the Centennial Olympic Park.

Eric Roberts Rudolph, the person who was eventually convicted of the bombing, put forth his political justification for the bombings in this April 13, 2005 statement:
In the summer of 1996, the world converged upon Atlanta for the Olympic Games. Under the protection and auspices of the regime in Washington millions of people came to celebrate the ideals of global socialism. Multinational corporations spent billions of dollars, and Washington organized an army of security to protect these best of all games. Even though the conception and purpose of the so-called Olympic movement is to promote the values of global socialism, as perfectly expressed in the song Imagine by John Lennon, which was the theme of the 1996 Games even though the purpose of the Olympics is to promote these despicable ideals, the purpose of the attack on July 27 was to confound, anger and embarrass the Washington government in the eyes of the world for its abominable sanctioning of abortion on demand.The plan was to force the cancellation of the Games, or at least create a state of insecurity to empty the streets around the venues and thereby eat into the vast amounts of money invested.
One woman, Alice Hawthorne, was killed. Turkish cameraman Melih Uzunyol died from a heart attack he suffered while running to cover the blast. In the Centennial Olympic Park, 111 were injured. The Games went on.

Coincidentally, the alleged shooter at the Aurora theater, James Holmes, is being held in the Centennial, Colorado, jailhouse, and appeared in the Centennial courthouse.

Colorado (Spanish for "red") is nicknamed "The Centennial State." Aurora is Spanish/Latin for "dawn." This is why I term the earthshaking incident of July 20, 2012, a "red dawn event," a milestone manifestation of unfathomable future dimensions.

Will Mexico's PRI red shirts stir, in the wake of this red dawn? As my Mexico City correspondent Red Pill Junkie notes in an email to me, "Next Friday is the day TDKR opens in Mexico!"

While not on the exact date, several people are pointing out that the upcoming London Summer Olympics is the 40th anniversary of the Munich Massacre at the 1972 XX Olympiad, in which eleven Israeli athletes and coaches, a West German police officer, and five terrorists were killed.

On one of the London Olympics' posters, I must point out an odd, orange-haired figure, which I have enlarged for you below.

Just a coincidence.

The London Olympics may not have a UFO land during the opening ceremony, like happened at the closing of the Los Angeles event in 1984. But it is going to be grand and mysterious. After all, this isn't 1984, is it?

The 2012 Olympics ceremony's theme is "Isles of Wonder," inspired by William Shakespeare's play about shipwrecked castaways, The Tempest. Amsterdam correspondent Theo Paijmans writes me: "It is commonly held that William Shakespeare may have modeled the character of Prospero in The Tempest on John Dee." (John Dee signed his letters  007, shown above.) Is there a storm coming?

The sound of a 27-ton bell — the largest harmonically tuned bell in the world — forged at London's 442-year-old Whitechapel Bell Foundry, which made London's Big Ben and Philadelphia's Liberty Bell, will open the ceremony at 9 PM London time. Remember Whitechapel is the old haunts of Jack the Ripper?

Rumors are floating about that as a promotion for the new 007 movie, Skyfall, a James Bond double will "fall" into the Olympics stadium. The opening will imitate a "green and pleasant land" described in William Blake's poem Jerusalem, which has been set to music and is regarded as England's unofficial national anthem. The underlying symbolism of "Jerusalem" would fill volumes.

Other threads seem to indicate the involvement of Alice in Wonderland and Peter Pan, plus Vangelis' theme from Chariots of Fire. Of late here, we've mentioned the soundtrack composed by Vangelis for Ridley Scott's 1982 film Blade Runner. Now that would be a novel twist, but a very Mayan 2012 eureka moment from these Olympics, won't it?

What surprises will occur at the XXX Olympiad opening in London this Friday, July 27, 2012? I called it predictive preparatory planning to understand how past copycat patterns paint our futures. Will something violent happen at another showing of The Dark Knight Rises this Friday? Let's hope not. But let's not be too astonished by what happens. We have been washed over by an ocean of media waves coming from Aurora.

"The nearer the dawn the darker the night."
~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Alien Olympics?

1984 Olympics alien

Have you noticed how the recent McDonald's alien resembles the alien from the 1984 Olympics?

2011-2012 McDonald's aliens

1984 Olympics alien


But what does the following mean? Are some expecting an alien invasion on August 12, 2012, at the end of the London Olympics?

Monday, July 23, 2012

Anticipating Aurora and Beyond

by Loren Coleman ©2012

"What time is it?" ~ Dr. John Watson
"Dawn." ~ Sherlock Holmes
 ~ The Return of Sherlock Holmes
"The Man with the Twisted Lip," 1986.

What is next in our dawns? As I have mentioned before, Aurora means "dawn." Unfortunately, I must predict a copycat outburst for Friday, July 27th. More on that in a moment.

First, Holmes appeared on the stage he desired today.
"My name is Sherlock Holmes. It is my business to know what other people don't know."
~ Sherlock Holmes, The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, 1892.
James Eagan Holmes' middle name meaning of "fiery" matched his dyed bright reddish-orange hair today, for his first post-massacre appearance. Holmes sat in Judge William B. Sylvester's court on July 23, 2012, in connection with the Aurora, Colorado movie theater massacre Holmes allegedly carried out on July 20th.

Judge Sylvester set July 30th for the filing of formal charges against Holmes. The former neuroscience student at the University of Colorado has been held since Friday in solitary confinement at the Arapahoe County jail in Centennial, about 15 miles south of Denver.

In the court appearance, Holmes seemed in a bizarre trance, nearly Sirhan Sirhan-like. Or Jared Loughner-like. Some felt the genius in the chair was acting. Others saw mind control programming. His hair was dyed an uneven red. The color was faded to a strange pink or an ugly orange in some spots, and, yet, natural brown was visible elsewhere.

When arrested, it has been reported, Holmes said he was the "Joker." In the comics and generally in the Batman and Dark Knight films, the Joker is shown as a green-haired figure.
Cesar Romero (Joker 1966-1968 on television) and James Holmes (2012)
Heather Ledger (Joker 2008)
However, the Joker's costumed henchman often wear orange-red wigs. The Washington Post also correctly pointed out today, "in The Dark Knight, the second film of a Batman series called the Dark Knight trilogy, the Joker character played by Australian actor Heath Ledger wore a nurse's uniform and a red wig in one scene as he destroyed a hospital. Ledger died in January 2008, six months before The Dark Knight was released."
The suspect's name translates as James = "he who supplants," Eagan = "fiery," and Holmes = "holly" and/or "island in the river."

The suspect's genealogy goes back to the beginning of this nation. James' grandmother, Mary Jane Crawford Holmes was descended not only from the Mayflower Pilgrims (she was the governor of the Monterey Bay Colony of Mayflower Descendants), but also was from a member of the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Boston, the first American militia.

The Rebirth of Pan and Weird America author Jim Brandon sends me these elusive insights:
Holmes has not been a highly noticeable name of interest, compared with say Fay or Nick, except secondarily in the frequent movie iterations of the British Sherlock Holmes persona, which of course was fictional. But a sensationally fatal real-life eruption occurred in the late 1890s with discovery of the famed "murder castle" in south Chicago. Disguised as a hotel, this was the work of a man who called himself H. H. Holmes and preyed mainly on women attracted to the then popular [1893 Columbian Exposition] World’s Fair, nearby on the lake shore. The total of his victims ranges from a confessed 27 to as high as 200 estimated.
Holmes, whose real name was Herman Webster Mudgett, had started as a medical doctor who however soon showed criminal traits. His “castle” was a virtually surrealistic affair with guest rooms set up with outside door locks, gas jets for asphyxiations and chutes to convey bodies to the basement. The facilities there almost beggar description, employed for corpse dismemberment, dissection of body parts and preparation of skeletons for sale to medical schools or other buyers who can only be imagined.
A number of writers have tackled this story, most recently Eric Larson in [the nonfiction 2003 book] The Devil in the White City, along with others.
Leonardo DiCaprio has purchased The Devil in the White City for a movie in development. DiCaprio's last film was Christopher Nolan's Inception (2010). Nolan is the director of the Dark Knight trilogy.
Before James Holmes dominated the news for all of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of this recently completed weekend in July, the Holmes in the news was Katie Holmes. She is divorcing Tom Cruise, and entertainment news was filled with a Church of Scientology subplot. However, in another thread, what is intriguing is that Katie Holmes was the female lead character (Rachel Dawes) opposite Batman/Bruce Wayne (Christian Bale) in the first of the Christopher Nolan Dark Knight trilogy, Batman Begins (2005). 
Katie Holmes as Rachel Dawes in Batman Begins.

It was in Nolan's second installment of the Dark Knight series that a character was created that has caused the copycat evil we are discussing today.

As I have written before, I am concerned about the behavior contagion factor as it applies to the Dark Knight films. Soon after The Joker (played by Heather Ledger) appeared in The Dark Knight, copycats occurred. In The Copycat Effect (NY: Simon and Schuster, 2004), I laid out how visual media has a significant impact on vulnerable homicidal/suicidal individuals who use graphically violent films as models for their own future actions.

The known patterns of copycats are clear. Humans are imprinted with anniversary syndromes and timing markers that seem subtle to most, but are identifiable to behavior scientists, like me. In the case of suicide clusters, school shootings, going postal incidents, workplace violence, and other forms of mass and spree killings, I have ventured forth with predictions, sometimes. I have expectations of how humans react. Often they do. Sometimes they don't. 

After Columbine, over 450 copycat events took place in North America. The CTV published an article about my predictions in 2006. One of the most telling predictions was my sense that something would occur exactly a week after Columbine. It did, when a school shooting happened in Taber, Alberta, only a week later. After Virginia Tech, many quotes of mine were used by the media demonstrating the predictive power of copycat insights.

One quotation haunts me. Here's what I told Seth Borenstein, AP Science Writer, April 20, 2007: "These people are psychologically competing with each other to increase the body count."

The Gothamist looked back to look ahead:
The whole idea of copycats brings us to another [WNYC’s] On the Media interview, this one from October in the aftermath of the Amish school shooting. Then, they interviewed Loren Coleman, a suicide prevention consultant and school violence researcher and author of the book The Copycat Effect: How the Media and Popular Culture Trigger the Mayhem in Tomorrow's Headlines. He was of the opinion that the media’s over coverage of tragedies, starting with the Columbine shootings have set up a model for the later perpetrators of these violent acts. In the interview Coleman noted, “I think that one of the reasons that I wrote my book, The Copycat Effect, was really to try to begin the debate within the media about how much is too much. The graphic details that we see on the cable wall-to-wall coverage and in some other media really sets up a situation where these vulnerable people have a model in front of them to then plan their outrages in a similar fashion. Since August 24th, these individuals have all been males, they've all been Caucasian, they all have been outsiders, either expelled students or older males, and they all have victimized females - young girls, usually – or authority figures, in the case of principals or teachers or guards.”
If you look at some of the Columbine shooter’s videos, which were only released a few years after the fact and only after much legal wrangling, there seems to be a lot of parallels with Cho’s video. Was the oversaturated coverage of these paste events inspiration? It is probable and it is no doubt that Cho’s desire to be heard from the grave was sent to NBC instead of being squirreled away in the case files as has happened in the past. ~ Toby von Meistersinger, "Television Watching: How Much Is Too Much?" The Gothamist, April 24, 2007
In The Copycat Effect, the patterns I found in suicide clusters and school shootings happened over and over again in other kinds of mass shootings. In their most basic blueprint, the copycats take place exactly one week, two weeks, one month, and one year after a massively media-discussed incident of violence. The Aurora red dawn event is the first mass media incident in recent years. Wall-to-wall coverage has occurred, and copycats will happen. The correlation is direct. Why will we be surprised when the next theater shooting takes place?

Look, I predicted that something was going to happen related to the opening of The Dark Knight Rises. Yes, on July 20th. You can read my July 19th pondering about that here.

Therefore, I have to go out on a limb, again. If we get there without a copycat ripple (one seems to have been reported in Maine, already). Law enforcement personnel, movie theater staff, and sports event venue managers need to be aware.

What is the next big event? This is called predictive preparatory planning to understand these patterns.

The two week mark is the weekend of August 3-4-5, 2012. That needs to be watched.

What are the next movie openings of note? Total Recall, Assassin's Bullet, and Soldier's Fortune on Friday August 3, 2012. Gangster Squad (with the film's gangsters shooting up a movie audience!!) on Friday, September 7, 2012. James Bond's Skyfall on Friday, November 9, 2012 (with Aurora in red on the Shanghai skyline).

What is fiction and what is nonfiction? Have the lines blurred? Yes, of course they have.

The copycat effect exists. The Joker is real, because the imaginary villains have become actual ones. A dozen people died in Aurora. The dawn has come, and it is here. We should pay attention. We all have been warned.

I sincerely hope no one else would ever die in another mass shooting. But to be blind to the patterns that are certainly there right in front of us is foolishness.

James Eagan Holmes, mugshot, just released. Taken July 20, 2012.

"When you have eliminated the impossible, 
whatever remains, however improbable, 
must be the truth." 
~ Sherlock Holmes, The Sign of the Four 
Chapter 6: 111, Doubleday, 1890.

Coleman Reese from The Dark Knight, 2005.

"They are trying to kill me." ~ Coleman Reese
"Well, maybe Batman will save you." ~ Commissioner James Gordon

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Red Dawn

by Loren Coleman ©2012

Colorado means "red" and Aurora means "dawn."

We are entering an alternative reality, of sorts. In case you missed it, we have experienced a red dawn event.
In The Dark Knight Rises, Selina Kyle says to Bruce Wayne: "You think this can last? There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches, because when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us."

Let's briefly examine a motion picture, politics aside and reality asunder, which contains strange coincidences of place and words, with a subplot of a name game with "red dawn."

"It's easy to make fun of a movie about a high school football team led by Patrick Swayze single-handedly defeating the Soviet army....[but] it might be the most anti-American movie made outside of the Middle East," wrote Philip Moon reflectively in 2010.

It is time to look at this film in a new context. I do not make any logical linkages to this film from the events of July 20, 2012. I merely show you the data, and assume together we shall discover tomorrow.

Red Dawn is a 1984 American war film directed by John Milius and co-written by Milius and Kevin Reynolds. It stars Patrick Swayze, C. Thomas Howell, Lea Thompson, Charlie Sheen and Jennifer Grey.

It was the first film to be released with the MPAA rating of PG-13. At the time it was released, Red Dawn was considered the most violent film by the Guinness Book of Records and The National Coalition on Television Violence, with a rate of 134 acts of violence per hour, or 2.23 per minute.
Red Dawn is set in an alternate 1980s in which the United States is invaded by the Soviet Union and its Cuban and Nicaraguan allies. However, the onset of World War III is in the background and not fully explained or engaged in this narrative fiction. The story involves a group of American high school students who resist the occupation with guerrilla warfare, calling themselves the Wolverines, after their high school mascot.

The film focuses on a fictionalized version of Calumet, Colorado, not as the actual small ghost town but the city as a fairly vibrant community with a substantial population, as depicted in this 1984 war film, Red Dawn. Calumet is the movie's attention point. This created town of Calumet was chosen to be the film's central location so that it could be related to almost anywhere in the US, an ambiguous American township with deliberately vague landmarks and names, you know, sort of like Aurora, Colorado. Red Dawn was actually filmed in the town of Las Vegas, New Mexico, the "stand-in" for the fictionalized version of Calumet.

Much of the movie's story is set in the Arapaho National Forest, and a group of Soviet soldiers refer specifically to the Colorado War (1863-1865), which was fought there between the Arapaho and Cheyenne Indian insurgencies and the occupying U.S. government. Aurora, Colorado is located in Arapahoe County.

The leading villain in Red Dawn is Colonel Bella, a Cuban officer. (See here for more on the Bell name game.)

The Aurora, Colorado shooting appears to be a "red dawn," a milestone awakening event of which we can only guess what it might really mean in the near and distant future.

I went to see The Dark Knight Rises with my 22 year old son, at 3:15 pm, on Friday, July 20, 2012. One of the first visuals that stuck me, before the film, was what I saw in the preview to the forthcoming James Bond movie, Skyfall. At the about the 39-40 second mark of the trailer, quite readable on an IMAX screen, a frame appears with a vivid skyline. Right there, up front is a building with a red sign that reads Aurora. (This is the Aurora Plaza building in Shanghai, China.)

"The night is darkest just before the dawn. And I promise you, the dawn is coming." 
~ Harvey Dent, The Dark Knight, 2008.

The list

Here are some recent postings, gathered in one location, to be found mostly on blogs, by my synchromystic friends, fellows, and familiars, who have shared their thoughts on the recent July 20, 2012 incidents in Aurora. Highly recommended, although the opinions expressed are theirs, and not necessarily my own (unless noted).

Andrew Griffin's Red Dirt Report
"Midnight Massacre in Theatre No. 9"

Mike Clelland's Hidden Experience
"The Death of Jessica Redfield"

Red Pill Junkie's Blog
"A Midsummer Night's Nightmare"
"Darkest Before Dawn"

Katy Waldman/Slate
"Viral Violence"
Sean Higgins/Washington Examiner

Selina Kyle: There's a storm coming.
Bruce Wayne: You sound like you're looking forward to it.
Selina Kyle: I'm adaptable.
~ The Dark Knight Rises, 2012